Welcome to the IEEE EMC Chicago Chapter Website Job Page
Resumes (Updated 12/1/2022)
Intern / Summer position wanted
Positions available
Electronic Instrument Associates (Sales Engineer)
Compliance Engineer - LED Lighting Fixtures
Engineering Development Technician
Positions available
Electronic Instrument Associates (Sales Engineer)
Compliance Engineer - LED Lighting Fixtures
Engineering Development Technician
the IEEE, Chicago EMC Chapter, it's officers, Frank Krozel,
Electronic Instrument Associates are not responsible for any postings
or accuracy of the positions or people listed.
offer this page and it's contents as a service to the community and
are not responsible for the content.
Information is provided as a courtesy to the engineering community. It is not provided for profit and will be updated as possible as information is sent to me. If you have a position available or need a job, send an email to frank@electronicinstrument.com
Forms | Scholarship
Chicago Chapter
Schedule |
Officers | Mini-Symposium
| Past
Presentations | Fall
2007 our own chapter! | Pictures
| e-ScanFax | Nov 09 Meeting | 26th Annual DuPage Area Engineers Week Expo - ITT Rice Campus
want to join the I.E.E.E. now!
| I
need to renew now!
Other IEEE EMC Society and Chapter URL's
Chicago Section | S.E. Michigan | Milwaukee | Minnesota | Rockford
Send comments about this web site to Frank Krozel